Secret Underground War reaches its Final Countdown

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on…

We Will Never Let You Down – Book Review

We Will Never Let You Down is an extraordinary new book that gives unprecedented insights into the operations and philosophies of various extraterrestrial organizations operating in our solar system. The author, Elena Danaan, shared her memories of direct contact experiences and conversations with extraterrestrials working with several of these organizations—the most significant being the Galactic…

Did US Space Command Leader just confirm Jupiter Agreements?

This week, US Space Command leader, General James Dickinson confirmed that over 100 agreements have been reached with different countries, agencies, and corporations for space related activities. Only a month earlier, General Dickinson allegedly attended a series of meetings above Jupiter where comprehensive agreements were reached between the Galactic Federation of Worlds and 14 spacefaring…