Peru Alien Attack, Whistleblower UFO testimonies, JFK Assassination & revisiting MH370 Disappearance

Exopolitics Today Week in Review – April 19, 2023 Mystery over Alien Attacks in Peru deepen with US military exercises; Col Philip Corso whistleblower claims; Understanding Special Access Programs; Fall Semester of Exopolitics Courses; David Grusch hitpiece designed to warn off whistleblowers; next webinar; UAP narrative reversal; DARPA and 10 year integrated Lunar architecture project;…

Film to reveal how JFK’s quest to end UFO secrecy was eclipsed by shadow government FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION [March 20, 2015 – Kaimu-Kalapana, Hawaii] Today the moon’s shadow blocks the sun in a total or partial eclipse, depending on location, as well as the spring equinox. Today is also the official launch of a Kickstarter campaign for the making of a unique documentary film about how John F. Kennedy’s…